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How do you know about it? ・ it = this pen ・ it = this joy
perceive indicator, infer its presence
- vs -
perceive it
[ but perceiving is inferring ✓ ]
Aviezer et al (2012, figure 2A3)
‘We sometimes see aspects of each others’ mental lives, and thereby come to have non-inferential knowledge of them.’
McNeill (2012, p. 573)
‘We sometimes see aspects of each others’ mental lives, and thereby come to have non-inferential knowledge of them.’
McNeill (2012, p. 573)
verbal reports and ratings? No!
(Scholl & Tremoulet 2000; Schlottman 2006)
perceive indicator, infer its presence
- vs -
perceive it
‘We sometimes see aspects of each others’ mental lives, and thereby come to have non-inferential knowledge of them.’
McNeill (2012, p. 573)